My ICS 212 class dealt with my very first interaction with learning C and eventually C++. Starting with Java and then working backward to C and then meeting in the middle with C++ was a very difficult time for me as each coding language was very similar but the syntax was slightly different from each other.
The homeworks of the class included using a command line terminal and getting used to being able to write source code through the command line editors and run them through the console. Learning the C coding language got me to really understand the code that I am writing, because when the code has errors in it, C does not necessarily tell you what is wrong and I had to figure out what line of my code was causing the problem.
When it came around to midterms, I was tasked to implement the database functions as well as the user interface for a simple bank interface code in C. The focus of this project was to be able to create and run the code smoothly and to be conscious of the errors that could possibly occur, such as segmentation faults for floating pointers, memory leaks, and other errors that are usually not seen on the surface of the code.
The database is supposed to be capable of interacting with the user of the program, and then be able to add, find, delete, and print the structures called records that hold the supposed bank information of the customer. These records are to be added to a dynamic database list that would be written into a database.txt file once the program was done being used.
I will admit that this project had me beat all the way to the deadline, as there were many errors that would present itself in areas that I thought I would not have any problems in, such as when it reads a person’s name and puts it into the new record. My project ended up being a product that runs smoothly when it is conducted through a strictly certain way to interact with it, which I know is something that would not be a good end result had I needed to give this to a client to use. HOWEVER, I do not see this project as a failure, but more as a learning experience to make sure to create a test case list to ensure that there are no random errors that a possible client or other programmer might run into with my code.
I want to upload what I currently have for the bank database functions, and eventually be able to return to it to make it something that I could be proud to give to a client should they ask me to implement a program similar.