Carpool and Go!

UH Carpool and Go!

The Goal

For our software engineering and website development class, our final project was to coordinate with a group in order to create a proposed mockup of a website service that shall help aid the university in some type of way. Our group’s task was to create a website dedicated to being a central hub of carpooling access that users can easily log into in order to either offer rides to the UH Manoa campus or look for possible drivers. Our goal was to be the connector for UH staff and students to be able to get to campus with less cars on the road, saving gas and helping reduce car pollution in the process.

The Team

We decided to take my idea on a smaller scale, with one game but with selectable characters that the player can choose. This way, it still implemented my ambitions on a reasonable scale to allow us to be able to properly work together to code the game and have it ready by the deadline at the end of the month. We decided to base our project off of a turtle swimming through the ocean, and it must collect jellyfish while dodging the trash. The use of arrays, random number generators, and inheritance classes as well as other Java code to make it happen. Now with a reachable goal in mind, we were able to start climbing to reach the deadline on time.

It is also around the same time that I realized that conflicting time schedules is a major problem in a group collaboration, second to communication. As the other two began to be more occupied with either their job or other classes, it was left to me to pick up the slack and double my workload to finish the project on time. My biggest takeaway from my first ever collaboration project was that communication was everything, from how big the scale of the project should be, to knowing everyone’s availability to be able to work on the project, and just understanding how much each person can offer.

Group Member Agreement

This web application is made in cooperation with Kenji Sanehira, Cory Parker, Robin Dumlao, Michael Ito, Johanan Leoncio, and Kai Sequeira.

Our Website

Drivers/Riders Page

Each member was in charge of specific slides through issue driven management. Through our 3 milestone deadlines, we were able to create enough issues for working toward creating a functioning site, and become something I am proud with, both for me and for my team members.

Drivers Page

Riders Page

“Fast Ride” Feed

The “Fast Ride” feed page was one of our special sauces. The feed will display the user’s Profile Picture, their first and last name, their current and desired locations, the time they need a ride, a brief description of their requested ride, and their contact information. Other users can then contact the user or click on their profile to get more information about that specific user. Using this open feed, drivers can look for riders that are in a hurry going to campus.

“Fast Ride” Request

The “Fast Ride” request page is a form that allows a user to request a ride to a specific location at a particular time of day. It allows the user to input their current and desired locations, their time of ride, and a description of why they need the ride. It will send data to the “Fast Ride” feed.

Rating System

The rating system is an implementation that allows drivers and riders to be able to rate their fellow community members based on experiences. These ratings seek to create a positive incentive to those who ride with Aloha! Users are able to rate drivers and riders out of 5 stars. The rating can be seen on one’s profile, and to rate others would show up on other profiles as shown:

Self Rating:

Rating Others:

My Experiences

Over, this was another big first is my career, as this was the first website design/ software engineering that I worked on a group with. I definitely can say that with 6 people, it was a rocky start to get everyone on page, me included. However, I realized that sometimes it’s okay to sit back focus on what needs to be done. Some issues were not solvable before other issues were completed, such as the edit profile page, but it created learning experiences for next time!

Our project was turned in on time and you can view it here.